Thursday, August 16, 2012

Question of the day

Here is the question of the day....How many of you with fibromyalgia hurt more when it rains? My pain is out of control when it rains. I just want to stay in bed all day.

Monday, August 6, 2012

I got a rub down and.....

OMG I got a massage and I feel so much better. My brain is not burning and the pain in my neck is gone!! I think that I might have to have a massage more often. I was able to cut down on my meds for  yesterday!!! I am feeling like me again. I am so happy I want to do a jig! LOL But really if you can get a massage for your fibro pain it is so so worth it. I would have to say that this is the best that I have felt in over a year. I hope everyone is had a great weekend.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

My brain is still burning

I have called the doctors office and I am waiting to hear back. I do not know how much more of this burning feeling in my brain I can take. I am so tempted to take some pain pills today. I hate doing this then I can not play with the kiddos. I hate hate feeling like this. I hope it will go away soon. I think that I will go read to the girls and have a movie day today. I hope you all have a great day.