Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My head is burning

My brain feels like it is burning. I was wondering if anyone else felt like this? I have had this for about a week now and I am so over it!! It is not very painful but it really bothering me. I am starting to feel better. The neck pain is feeling alot better. I am trying to feel better we are planning a trip to a zoo next week. It is going to be hot and a long long day. I am off right now to fold laundry and do an art project with the kiddos. O I am so excited to tell you all this I found pop beads for the girls they had so much fun with them. They were every surprised that they had such cool things when I was there age. LOL silly girls. Have a good afternoon.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Wow what a day

I had an MRI yesterday and I am very tired from that. Went to church today and went to lunch with my mother-in-law. I am off to bed to get rid of this headache for once and all I hope. I am so over feeling like crap lately. I am ready for a good day and no more bad days for a long long time. :) A women can only hope right. Sweet dreams to all.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

To medicate or not to medicate

Good Morning to all I have alot to do today and I want to hang out with my family but I am in alot of pain today. The kiddos want to go out and do something. I so want to hand out with them today but I do not do good with the heat. I can take some of my pain meds to be able to function so that we can go and have some fun!! I think that I am going to take some Emergen-C with me today. This stuff rocks. It has lots of great stuff to help stay hydrated in the sun and it helps with pain for me. I love this stuff. I am thinking about heading to the Grand Haven Coast Guard Festival. I am going to take some meds and I will be back later. Stay cool and have a great day everyone!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Heat heat go away do not come back for a few days

OMG this heat is going to put me in bed for a few day. I am in so much pain today from the heat. I have a migraine from hell. I was out in the heat with the kiddos today for too long. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow thank God. I do not know if I could take anymore of this bloody pain. I am not one of those fibro patients that can manage without pain meds. I can not do it anymore. I am so exited to have a somewhat of a normal day coming soon. I took the kiddos out on a grocery  hunt. This is one of the games that I play with them. We all have to go to the store and I always have the kids with me and they get so bored. So I have made a game out of it. They take turns "hunting" for items  that I give them. They have a blast with it and it makes the trip fun and nice. I am thinking about letting them help with dinner also. We are going to have taco bites. I put taco meat in a wonton cup that I have made in the muffin tin.This is the first time I am trying this I hope it works. Have a good day to all. I hope to be back later today.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Falling up the stairs

I was walking up the stairs and I fell down. I really feel like a dumby when my kiddos ask if I am ok. I have a hurt elbow and the fibro pain is out of control tonight. I am all out of pain meds which really bites the big one. I am look for a new doctor that takes our insurance. I guess it is a warm bath and sleeping pill for me tonight. I really do not like taking these pills but I have to have some relief. I drink lots of water each day over eight glasses and I get lots of exercise running around after my kiddos. I just have lots and lots of pain. I should tell you all this I have all 18 out of 18 pressure points. I also have a cyst in the brain that sits on the tectum plate. I get migraines alot. But I find time to have fun and play with the kiddos. Today I sat on our bed and played Candy Land with them. They were so happy I think we do it again tomorrow if I am still feeling bad. I hope everyone has pain control tonight. I will be back in the morning have a good night.

Morning Stiffness

Good morning I woke up this morning hoping to feel better. Well that went right out the window. The baby was up at six this morning. I felt like my bed had a strong hold on my body. It took about ten minutes to get the pain to a level that I could handle. I am so ready for my little man to sleep all night long and sleep in alittle longer in the morning. I love love my sleep!! So I have been trying to get moose (aka. Corbin) to go to sleep for his nap and he is in a lot of pain. He is teething and not a happy boy. My stress level is high today so my pain is also high today. I am wondering what to do on a high pain day. It is too hot outside for me so outdoor activities will have to wait until later. I wish that the heat and cold did not bother me so much. It really sucks!!! Well I am off to do something with the girls. No meds yet I have to wait until my husband gets home. I might be in the bath a few times today. I hope everyone's pain is low today.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Good night all I am off to bed. Pain level is at a nine tonight. I am going to take a warm bath and some pain meds and pray that I wake up in the morning with less pain. I hope  you all have a great night.

First post

Hello everyone I am a mother of three awesome children and I have Fibromyalgia. This blog is about dealing with the daily pain and being the best mom that I can. I have two little girls that are 11 months apart. They are five and four. I also have a sweet little boy that is six months tomorrow. He is my moose. I am a Stay at home mom and I love my job. I want to help other moms if I can. Having chronic pain everyday can take a toll on anyone, but having to deal with little ones on top of the pain can take alot out  of a mom. I will be posting how I am feeling and what I am able to do. I look forward to helping moms out there and having this blog be a fun informational place for all.